CD School House 9
CD School House 9.0 - Wayzata Technology (1994).iso
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217 lines
was developed using
TURBO PASCAL by Borland International
TURBO PLUS by Nostradamus.Inc.
Copyright 1986
H.David Jackson
The action is about to commence. War On The Sea is a high level strategic
and tactical simulation of typical World War II naval campaigns. It is not
designed to be an accurate historical representation of those campaigns.
That is, some ships are limited to battles in which they actually took
part. Others, having unlimited access, may also take part without having
actually taken part in the battle. An attempt has been made to balance
the scenarios by allowing wins on both sides. This is done by adjusting
an initative factor that determines who fires first most of the time.
For you to win over the computer requires careful selection and
application of resources.
You will be required to select your navy from a large stockpile. Ships
types have different characteristics and cost that must be considered
when making the selection. The navy will then be divided into different
fleets that will be attached to the theaters that are involved in the
selected campaign.
Finally. you will be asked to select targets for your ships. At this time
you must decide to attack the deadly submarines, or the destroyers that
can knock out your subs in a single blow, or the heavily armed cruisers
and battleships which must be eliminated in order to gain victory points.
A standard PC or equilivent can be used. Graphics adapters, mouse or
joy stick are not used. This is not a hand/eye coordination game, and
there is no time limit on making moves. Neither is it a giant simulation
requiring several sessions to complete. Instead, several campaigns can
be fought in each session. For this reason, no save options are given.
The intent is to provide the player with a short and exciting game that
proceeds at the players discretion.
You will first be asked to select the campaign you wish to fight. Several
will be listed on a menu that is displayed on the screen. Enter the
number of the campaign desired. The default will be the first ALTANTIC
campaign shown. That is, an entry of anything else other than what is
shown will cause the first campaign to be selected.
A screen will then be displayed listing the theaters that are associated
with this campaign and the size of the fleet that can be assigned to
that theater. This is followed by a list of the enemy ships that you
will be fighting. Their name, theater limitations, attack and defense
factors are given. Limited theater availability indicates that the ship
may only be put into the fleet of a specific theater. Other ships may
be used in any theater.
A menu of the stockpile of ships from which you can choose your navy
is then displayed. Use the cursor movement keys to position the arrow
at a ship to be selected. The arrow position will wrap in all directions.
That is, for instance, it will go from the right hand column to the left
hand column when the right arrow cursor key is pressed.
Pressing the ENTER key will cause the selected ship to be added to the
navy. The ship name will be highlighted to show that it has been
selected. Pressing the ENTER key at a ship that has been selected
will cause it to be removed from the navy. A limited number of ships
may be added to the navy. The number of ships that can still be
selected is shown at the bottom the screen. Likewise, the number
of purchase points remaining is shown.
The number in front of the ship identification is the purchase
price to add the ship to the navy. Additional information about the
ship is shown near the bottom of the screen. The type, attack
and defense factors, and theater limitations are shown. The attack
factor is the number of shots the ship has in each attack round.
The defense factor is the number of hits the ship can take before
being sunk.
When your navy has been selected, press END. This will display a
list of your navy after which you will proceed to the combat phase.
Following is combat and probability information about the ship and
plane types.
Probability to
Ship Type Damage/hit Disable Hit Comments
Battleship 1-4 1 in 6 1 in 6 Cannot hit subs - only disable.
Crusier 1-4 1 in 6 1 in 6 Cannot hit subs - only disable.
MTB 1-4 1 in 6 1 in 6 Cannot hit subs - only disable.
Planes 1-4 1 in 6 1 in 6 Cannot hit subs - only disable.
Destroyer 1-4 1 in 6 1 in 6 Always SINKS targeted subs.
Carrier 1-4 1 in 6 1 in 3
Submarine 1-4 1 in 6 1 in 6 See note 1 next panel
Convoy 1-4 1 in 6 1 in 6 See note 2 next panel
Kamikazi 1-9 1 in 6 1 in 2 Removed after Disable or Hit.
Note 1: Subs receive one shot for each surface ship in the enemy fleet.
But they only shoot in the first round. Sub attacks against
subs are ignored at the cost of the shot.
Note 2: An additional victory point is given if the convoy survives and
it's side wins the battle. When the point is given the convoy
is removed from the game.
There is also a 1 in 15 probability of 10 damage points on a hit. This
is enough to sink any ship.
The first part of each turn of combat will display a screen showing a
theater map, a window for the first theater and the ships remaining in
your navy to the right. The up and down cursor keys can be used to
select a ship and ENTER will move it to the displayed theater. The
left and right cursor keys move the selection arrow between the theater
and port. Pressing ENTER while in a theater causes the selected ship
to be returned to port. Pressing the space bar causes the next theater
to be selected. Pressing the S key will cause the status of the
selected ship to be displayed. This will aid you in selecting ships
for a theater or determining if a ship should be left in port. Ships
that remain in port during a combat turn recover one damage point that
was applied during previous combat turns. Entering a ? will display
a help window listing these options.
When all your fleets have been dispatched to their assigned theaters,
press END. This will cause all combatants to be displayed and the
game will proceed to the battle and victory determination phase.
Battles will automatically start at the first theater and proceed to
the next when a battle is won or declared a draw. To win a battle,
all surface ships of the other side must be removed either by sinking
or disabling them. Disabled ships are not permenantly lost. They are
removed from the theater and returned to port. If any subs remain
after surface ships are removed the battle is declared a draw. No
victory points are assigned for a draw. Likewise. if there are no
assigned ships on either side, the battle is a draw.One victory point
is awarded for a won battle if the winning side has a surface ship
remaining. One victory point is also awarded for any convoys in that
fleet. The results of a battle and current victory points will be
displayed to the right of the screen. The initative for starting the
battle by firing first is determined randomly. An initative factor
is used in each campaign to determine who has the edge, thus balancing
the campaigns. Ships are hit or disabled by firing upon them. Results
are determined randomly as per probabilities previously described.
Enemy attack targets will be determined randomly. The results of each
attack (one for each shot or attack factor) will be displayed at the
right of the screen. The result of the attack or shot can be a MISS
where no damage is done; DISABLED where the target recieves no damage
but is removed from the theater fleet and returned to port; or HIT.
In the latter case the number of damage points is randomly determined
and is added to any damage points previously sustained. If this value
is equal to or greater than the defense factor (cost to purchase) the
ship is sunk and will be so specified in the attack results.
When it is your turn to attack, the currently selected attacker
(chosen sequentially) and target will be highlighted. The cursor keys
can be used to change the target. Pressing ENTER will cause you to fire
on that target and display the results.
Pressing the S key will display the status of the attacker to determine
if you wish to continue or withdraw the ship from the fleet because
it's damage is such that it might be sunk. You may also wish to
withdraw if you are facing losing odds and do not wish to lose your
ship(s). For instance, a destroyer does not have much chance against
BISMARK and TRIPITZ. A ship can be withdrawn by pressing the W key.
Pressing END will complete the firing sequence of that ship, but why
would anyone want to do that except to make the challange harder. A
help window is available for display by pressing ?.
After all ships on each side have fired, statistics are interogated
to see if there is a winner or draw. If neither, the battle continues
into the next round with the remaining ships. Remember that subs can
only fire during the first round. As such you will not be able to
withdraw them. However, as long as they are in the theater, the enemy
cannot receive an outright win - only a draw is possible.
After the battles in all theaters have been completed, a check is made
to see if the number of victory points needed to win the campaign has
been achieved. If it has the winner will be displayed. Otherwise,
the theater selection and battle process will be reinvoked. Note that
it is possible to have enough victory points to win in an early battle
but still not win at the completion of that turn. You must have
enough victory points to win after the last battle of the turn has
been fought.
In addition, you only have 10 turns in which to achieve the victory.
Otherwise, the campaign is declared a draw.